Workouts for the Week: August 19 – August 24

Workouts include a Workout Brief, outlining the intended PACE, FEEL, and some notes about the workout for you to be prepared.

Grind = 60-80% effort
Sustain = 70-80% effort
Gas = 80-90% effort
Full Send! = 90%-Max Effort

Cardio = Lungs are limiting factor
Reach = Heart Rate is limiting factor
Muscle = Muscle Fatigue is limiting factor

Monday, August 19th

Benchmark Workout: “Nancy” – For Time – 20 Minute Cap

5 Rounds
400m Run
15 Overhead Squat (95/65)

Cashout – FIT: For Quality

3 Rounds
:20 Deadhang + 7 Strict Pull Up
Rest 1:30

Workout Brief

Feel: Triple Threat / Pace: Gas

The stimulus for this workout is to move with purpose and keep intensity at a level that will allow for consistent performances from round to round. We are aiming to have similar times for each round rather than mistakenly starting out too hard and drastically slowing down during the course of the workout. This is a classic – remember to record your score!

Tuesday, August 20th

Strength: 14 Minutes

10 Deadlift @ 65%
5 Deadlift @ 75%
3 Deadlift @ 85%
1+ Deadlift @ 95%

Workout: For Time – 22 Minute Cap

3 Rounds
15/12 Calorie Bike
12 Alternating Dumbbell Snatch (50/35)
9 Burpee Over Dumbbell


1 Round
45/36 Calorie Bike
36 Alternating Dumbbell Snatch
27 Burpee Over Dumbbell

Workout Brief

Feel: Reach / Pace: Gas

For Part One, you can push the pace slightly harder as volume in any given set is lower. For Part Two, you should pull back on intensity compared to Part One and aim for a consistent, maintainable pace.

Wednesday, August 21st

Workout: For Time – 22 Minute Cap

800m Run
1000/900m Row
400m Run
500/450m Row
200m Run
250/225m Row
100m Run
125m Row

Cashout – FLEX: For Quality

3 Rounds
8 Strict Press
12 Dumbbell Push Up
16 Overhead Dumbbell Tricep Extension

Cashout – STRETCH:

2 Rounds
1:00 Cat Cow
1:00 Down Dog
1:00 Couch Stretch each side

Workout Brief

Feel: Cardio / Pace: Sustain

This conditioning workout will test your ability to maintain a moderate tempo as the distances decrease. Try to push harder as you get through each round.

Thursday, August 22nd

Strength: 14 Minutes

10 Back Squat @ 65%
5 Back Squat @ 75%
3 Back Squat @ 85%
1+ Back Squat @ 95%

Workout: As Many Rounds as Possible in 14 Minutes

7 Handstand Push Up
7 Box Jump
7 Chest to Bar Pull Up
14 Medball Clean

Workout Brief

Feel: Triple Threat / Pace: Gas

Keep a moderate, consistent intensity across all rounds. All movements will be at an intensity that allows you to keep moving without the need to completely stop to rest. The push-pull combo mixed with lower body leg drive is mixed in so you can have just enough of a break to sustain a pace.

Friday, August 23rd


Strength: 14 Minutes

7 Sets – 2 Minutes Each
5 Power Clean and Jerk Singles (55% + 5lb)

Workout: For Time – 16 Minute Cap

200m Run
40-30-20-10: Abmat Sit Up
8-6-4-2: Wall Walk

Workout Brief

Feel: Muscle / Pace: Gas

Today’s strength is a continuation of our olympic lifting cycle. Add weight from the last time we Clean and Jerked and focus on quality singles throughout. In the workout, stay moving through the big sets at the beginning and try to hold on as the rounds dwindle down.

Saturday, August 24th

Workout: For Time – With a Partner – 36 Minute Cap

1600/1400m Row
150 Double Under
50 Toes to Bar
75 Thruster (95/65)
50 Toes to Bar
150 Double Under
1600/1400m Row

Workout Brief

Feel: Triple Threat / Pace: Grind

Split all of the work in half in this partner workout! Break everything up into moderate sets that push you, but allow one partner to move the entire time.



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