Monday, January 13th
Strength: 10 Minutes
5 Rounds – 2 Minutes Each
5 Push Jerk
Increase weight each set.
Workout: For Time – 15 Minute Cap
Option A:
10 Rounds
10 Burpee
5 Clean and Jerk (95/65, RX+ 135/95)
Option B:
10 Rounds
10 Burpee
5 Clean and Jerk (75/55)
Option C:
10 Rounds
5-7 Burpee
3-5 Clean and Jerk (45/35)
GOAL: Pressing Endurance / Barbell Cycling
Tuesday, January 14th
Strength: 15 Minutes
6 Sets
2 Back Squat
3 Counter Movement Jump
Rest 1:00-1:30 between sets.
Increase weight each set.
Workout: For Time – 14 Minute Cap
Option A:
5 Rounds
20 Kettlebell Swing (53/35)
50′ Mix Grip Walking Lunge
Option B:
5 Rounds
20 Kettlebell Swing (44/26)
50′ Mix Grip Walking Lunge
Option C:
5 Rounds
20 Kettlebell Swing (26/18)
50′ Walking Lunge
GOAL: Lower Body
Wednesday, January 15th
Gymnastics: 7 Minutes
Complete 30 Chest to Bar Pull Up or Bar Muscle Up in as few sets as possible.
5 x 3-4 Strict Pull Up / Assisted Strict Pull Up
Workout: For Time – 20 Minute Cap
Option A:
6 Rounds
10/8 Machine Calories
10 Toes to Bar
1:00 Rest
10 Box Jump Over (24/20)
20 Air Squat
1:00 Rest
Option B:
6 Rounds
10/8 Machine Calories
10 Leg Raise/Knee Tuck
1:00 Rest
10 Box Jump Over (20/16)
20 Air Squat
1:00 Rest
Option C:
6 Rounds
8/6 Machine Calories
8 Strict Knee Tuck
1:00 Rest
8 Box Jump Over (20/16)
16 Air Squat
1:00 Rest
GOAL: Pulling Endurance / Stamina & Threshold
Thursday, January 16th
Workout: Each Round for Time – 21 Minutes
Option A:
7 Rounds – 3 Minutes Each
500m Row/Ski, 25/20 Calorie Bike, or 400m Run
3 Power Snatch (135/95, RX+ 155/105)
Option B:
7 Rounds – 3 Minutes Each
500m Row/Ski, 25/20 Calorie Bike or 400m Run
3 Power Snatch (115/75)
Option C:
7 Rounds – 3 Minutes Each
2:00 Row/Ski/Bike or 200m Run
3 Power Snatch (65/45)
4×3/3 Turkish Get Up
GOAL: Power Endurance / Overhead Stability
Friday, January 17th
Workout: For Time – 13 Minute Cap
Option A:
40-30-20-10 Medicine Ball Box Step Up (20/14, 20)
40-30-20-10 Wall Ball
Option B:
40-30-20-10 Medicine Ball Box Step Up (14/10, 20)
40-30-20-10 Wall Ball
Option C:
40-30-20-10 Box Step Up (20)
40-30-20-10 Wall Ball (14/10)
Strength: 10 Minutes
Find a Heavy Complex
3 Hang Power Clean + 1 Front Squat
GOAL: Lower Body Endurance / Strength
Saturday, January 18th
Workout: As Many Rounds as Possible in 25 Minutes – With a Partner
Option A and B
300 Meter Row
10 Deadlift (185/125)
50 Double Under
Option C
300 Meter Row
10 Deadlift (135/95)
50 Single Under
GOAL: Team Workout