Monday, January 20th
Workout: For Time – 20 Minute Cap
Option A:
2 Rounds
20/16 Calorie Row
15 Double Dumbbell Hang Squat Clean (50/35)
2 Rounds
20/16 Calorie Row
30 Double Dumbbell Lunge Carry
2 Rounds
20/16 Calorie Row
40 Alternating Dumbell Snatch
Option B:
2 Rounds
20/16 Calorie Row
15 Double Dumbbell Hang Squat Clean (35/20)
2 Rounds
20/16 Calorie Row
30 Double Dumbbell Lunge Carry
2 Rounds
20/16 Calorie Row
40 Alternating Dumbell Snatch
Option C:
2 Rounds
15/12 Calorie Row
10 Double Dumbbell Hang Squat Clean (25/15)
2 Rounds
15/12 Calorie Row
20 Double Dumbbell Lunge Carry
2 Rounds
15/12 Calorie Row
20 Alternating Dumbell Snatch
GOAL: Lower Body
Tuesday, January 21st
Workout: Each Round for Time – 16 Minutes
Option A:
8 Rounds – 2 Minutes Each
10 Pull Up
5 Hang Power Clean + 2 Split Jerk @ 65%
Option B:
8 Rounds – 2 Minutes Each
10 Assisted Pull Up
5 Hang Power Clean + 2 Split Jerk @ 65%
Option C:
8 Rounds – 2 Minutes Each
10 Ring Row
5 Hang Power Clean + 2 Shoulder to Overhead @ 65%
Cashout: As Many Rounds As Possible in 8 Minutes
50′ Suitcase Carry Right
20 Single Leg V-Up
50′ Suitcase Carry Left
1:00 Tall Kneeling Front Rack Hold
GOAL: Technique / Core
Wednesday, January 22nd
Workout: As Many Reps as Possible in 17 Minutes
Option A:
40 Burpee
30 Snatch (95/65)
30 Burpee
30 Snatch (135/95)
20 Burpee
30 Snatch (155/105)
10 Burpee
Max Snatch (185/125)
Option B:
40 Burpee
30 Snatch (45/35)
30 Burpee
30 Snatch (65/45)
20 Burpee
30 Snatch (95/65)
10 Burpee
Max Snatch (105/75)
Option C:
40 Burpee
30 Snatch (45/35)
30 Burpee
30 Snatch (55/65)
20 Burpee
30 Snatch (65/75)
10 Burpee
Max Snatch (75/85)
Strength: Every Minute on the Minute for 6 Minutes
3 Front Squat @ 60-70%
GOAL: Open Prep / Strength
Thursday, January 23rd
Strength: 10 Minutes
Option A:
5 Rounds – 2 Minutes Each
6 Strict Press (70%)
1-2 Rope Climb
Option B:
5 Rounds – 2 Minutes Each
6 Strict Press (70%)
1-2 Half Rope Climb / 6 Strict Chin Up
Option C:
5 Rounds – 2 Minutes Each
6 Strict Press (Moderate)
6-10 Ring Row
Workout: As Many Rounds as Possible in 15 Minutes
Option A:
9 Dip
12 Ball Slams
15 Box Jump (24/20)
Option B:
9 Assisted Dip
12 Ball Slams
15 Box Jump (24/20)
Option B:
9 Box Dip
12 Ball Slams
12 Box/Plate Jump (16/12)
GOAL: Strict Strength / Hip Endurance
Friday, January 24th
Workout: As Many Reps as Possible
Option A:
6 Rounds – 3 Minutes Each
60 Double Under
20 Toes to Bar
Max Deadlift (275/185)
Rest 1 Minute between rounds
Option B:
6 Rounds – 3 Minutes Each
30-60 Double Under (Max 1:15)
20 Leg Raises
Max Deadlift (225/155)
Rest 1 Minute between rounds
Option C:
6 Rounds – 3 Minutes Each
60-80 Single Under
15 Leg Raises
Max Deadlift (Moderate)
Rest 1 Minute between rounds
GOAL: Heavy Grip
Saturday, January 25th
Workout: For Time – With a Partner – 30 Minute Cap
Option A:
300 Wall Ball (20/14)
300 Machine Calories
300 Abmat Sit-Up
Partition as desired. Partners work at same time.
Option B:
300 Wall Ball (14/10)
300 Machine Calories
300 Abmat Sit-Up
Partition as desired. Partners work at same time.
Option C:
200 Wall Ball (10/8)
200 Machine Calories
200 Abmat Sit-Up
Partition as desired. Partners work at same time.
GOAL: Team Workout