Workouts for the Week: October 14 – October 20

Monday, October 14th

Strength: 15 Minutes

Find a 1RM Snatch

Workout: As Many Reps as Possible in 8 Minutes

Option A:

2 Kettlebell Swing (53/35)
2 Wall Balls (20/14)
Increase both movements by 2 reps each round.

Option B:

2 Kettlebell Swing (44/26)
2 Wall Balls (16/12)
Increase both movements by 2 reps each round.

Option C:

2 Kettlebell Swing (26/18)
2 Wall Balls (10/8)
Increase both movements by 2 reps each round.

Workout Brief

GOAL: Snatch Test / Lower Body Stamina

We’re giving our 1RM Snatch a go! Today, we’re testing it as a baseline for the upcoming cycle. For the next 8 weeks, our goal will be to increase our strength in the Snatch.

For the workout, it’s light & FAST! Lot’s of transitions to start then it’s all grit. The couplet today is about hip extension in particular two very dynamic simple but hyper effective movements.

Tuesday, October 15th

Workout: Each Round for Time – 36 Minute Cap

Option A:

5 Rounds
800m Run
20 Chest to Bar Pull Up
Rest 2 minutes between rounds.

Option B:

5 Rounds
800m Run
12 Pull Up
Rest 2 minutes between rounds.

Option C:

5 Rounds
400m Run
12 Ring Rows
Rest 2 minutes between rounds.

Workout Brief

GOAL: Threshold Training

This workout is a true threshold training. To hit our threshold training goal we should see these as five hard but manageable five or sub-five minute efforts. 

Wednesday, October 16th

Strength: 15 Minutes

Find a 1RM Clean and Jerk

Workout: For Time – 7 Minute Cap

Option A: 

3 Rounds
15 Deadlift (185/135)
10 Dips

Option B: 

3 Rounds
15 Deadlift (155/105)
10 Jumping Dips

Option C: 

3 Rounds
10 Deadlift (95/65)
10 Jumping Dips

Workout Brief

GOAL: Clean and Jerk Test / Pull + Push

Are you team Snatch or team Clean and Jerk? Today, we’re giving the big lift a go. One of the unsung heroes of a good Clean and Jerk is good footwork.

In the Workout, today’s couplet has athletes pulling and pushing. We want to see unbroken Deadlifts and quality dips. The deadlift load should feel light for deadlifts and the ring dips can be broken up into two sub maximal sets.

Thursday, October 17th

Workout: For Time – 15 Minute Cap

Option A:

20 Toes to Bar
15 Box Jumps (30/24)
10 Wall Walks
15 Box Jumps
10 Wall Walks
15 Box Jumps
20 Toes to Bar

Option B:

20 Leg Raises
15 Box Jumps (30/24)
10 Half Wall Walks
15 Box Jumps
10 Half Wall Walks
15 Box Jumps
20 Leg Raises

Option C:

20 Knee Raises
10 Box Jumps (20/16)
10 Inchworms
15 Box Jumps
10 Inchworms
15 Box Jumps
20 Knee Raises

Cashout – FIT: As Many Reps as Possible

4 Rounds
1 Minute Max Calorie Row
Rest 1 Minute between rounds.

Cashout – FLEX: For Quality

600m Partner Farmer Carry

Workout Brief

GOAL: Isometric Core Strength

Our triplet today has one rig movement, one slower, isometric movement, and a dynamic hip extension movement. The box jumps are designed to get athletes moving around and spike their heart rate but the most important focus we have for today is quality. 

Friday, October 18th


Strength: 14 Minutes

4 Rounds – 2:30 Each
3 Back Squat at 80%

Workout: As Many Reps as Possible Each Round

Option A: 

4 Rounds – 2 Minutes Each
Round 1 & 2:
20 Pistol Squat
Max Machine Calories

Round 3 & 4:
20/16 Machine Calories
Max Pistol Squat

Rest 1 Minute between rounds.

Option B: 

4 Rounds – 2 Minutes Each
Round 1 & 2:
10-14 Assisted Pistol Squat
Max Machine Calories

Round 3 & 4
20/16 Machine Calories
Max Assisted Pistol Squat

Rest 1 Minute between rounds.

Option C: 

4 Rounds – 2 Minutes Each
Round 1 & 2:
10-14 Pistol Squat to Box
Max Machine Calories

Round 3 & 4
20/16 Machine Calories
Max Assisted Pistol Squat to Box

Rest 1 Minute between rounds.

Workout Brief

GOAL: Squat Maintenance / Squat Endurance

In the Strength, despite these reps feeling heavy, we want to also focus on pushing fast into heavy weight.

In the Workout, no matter what machine athletes are using, we want members to push hard and choose the right machine for their Pistol ability. Opt for an Assault Bike if you can handle pistols well or opt for the Rower or Ski Erg if you need to save leg strength.

Saturday, October 19th

Workout: As Many Rounds as Possible in 24 Minutes – With A Partner

Option A:

200m Run
16 Burpee to Plate
32 Alternating Dumbbell Snatch (50/35)
2 Rope Climb

Option B:

200m Run 
16 Burpee to Plate
32 DB Snatch (35/25)
10 Strict Chin Up

Option C:

200m Run 
12 Plate Burpee
24 DB Snatch (25/15)
12 Ring Row

Workout Brief

GOAL: Saturday Grind

The recovery in this workout is going to have to be on the Burpees. Snatches & Rope Climbs both solicit the grip quite intensely so athletes should really be slow and smooth on those burpees. The most difficult part of this workout for many will be the Rope Climbs.



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