Workouts include a Workout Brief, outlining the intended PACE, FEEL, and some notes about the workout for you to be prepared.
Grind = 60-80% effort
Sustain = 70-80% effort
Gas = 80-90% effort
Full Send! = 90%-Max Effort
Cardio = Lungs are limiting factor
Reach = Heart Rate is limiting factor
Muscle = Muscle Fatigue is limiting factor
Monday, September 16th
Workout: 24 Minutes
Part A: 3 Rounds – For Time – 12 Minute Cap
6 Renegade Rows (35/25)
9 Devils Press
300m Run
Rest remaining time.
Part B: 12 Minutes
Find a Heavy Deadlift
Workout Brief
Feel: Muscle / Pace: Gas
Work as quickly as possible through Part A so you have plenty of rest before beginning your Deadlifts. Once you get to the Deadlifts, work quickly up to 60-70%, then allow 1:30-2:00 of rest between all of your heavy attempts.
Tuesday, September 17th
Workout: For Time – 16 Minute Cap
100-75-50-25: Double Under
40-30-20-10: Front Squat (75/55)
15 V Up
Cashout – FIT: For Quality
3 Rounds
:30 Handstand Hold (against wall)
6+ Strict Handstand Push Up
Cashout – FLEX: For Quality
3 Rounds
10 Dumbbell Hammer Curl
10 Dumbbell Skull Crusher
Workout Brief
Feel: Muscle / Pace: Gas
The goal of today’s workout is to stay as unbroken as possible throughout. That said, we want to make sure we stop before hitting the failure point so our effort is sustainable throughout.
Wednesday, September 18th
Bring a Friend Day
Workout: For Time – With a Partner – 38 Minute Cap
60-50-40-30-20: Burpee
60-50-40-30-20: Calorie Row
60-50-40-30-20: Ball Slam
Workout Brief
Feel: Cardio/Reach / Pace: Grind
Bring a Friend Day!
Thursday, September 19th
Strength: 15 Minutes
Find a Heavy Back Squat
Workout: For Time – 20 Minute Cap
5 Rounds
20 Wall Ball
15 Toes to Bar
200m Run
Workout Brief
Feel: Triple Threat / Pace: Grind
We are working up to a heavy Back Squat in today’s strength then transitioning to a grindy five rounder in the workout. Try to hold on to unbroken Wall Balls or complete them in two sets. On the Toes to Bar, shoot for 5+ reps every set and dial the Run to an intensity that will allow you to jump right back on the Wall Balls when you get inside.
Friday, September 20th
10 Sets – 1:15 Each
3 Power Clean and Jerk (65%)
Workout: As Many Rounds as Possible in 9 Minutes
1 Round of “DT” (135/95)
300m Row
Increase DT by round each round.
DT: 12 Deadlifts + 9 Hang Power Cleans + 6 Push Jerks
Workout Brief
Feel: Muscle / Pace: Gas
Work quickly from the beginning of this workout to maximize the 9 minute clock. The Row distance is long enough that you should be able to pick up the Barbell right away.
Saturday, September 21st
Workout: 26 Minutes – With a Partner
4 Rounds – 5 Minutes Each
400m Partner Run
12 Muscle Up (20 Strict Pull Up)
Max Calorie Bike/Row
Rest 2:00 between rounds.
Workout Brief
Feel: Triple Threat / Pace: Interval
This partner workout is an interval sprint that includes a great mix of cardio and gymnastics. Work fast through the buy in each round to maximize the time spent on the bike.