Workouts for the Week: September 23 – September 28

Workouts include a Workout Brief, outlining the intended PACE, FEEL, and some notes about the workout for you to be prepared.

Grind = 60-80% effort
Sustain = 70-80% effort
Gas = 80-90% effort
Full Send! = 90%-Max Effort

Cardio = Lungs are limiting factor
Reach = Heart Rate is limiting factor
Muscle = Muscle Fatigue is limiting factor

Monday, September 23rd

Workout: For Time – With a Partner – 35 Minute Cap

Buy In: 800m Partner Run


3 Rounds
90 Double Under
60 Single Dumbbell Step Up (50/35)
30 Synchro Abmat Sit Up


Buy Out: 800m Partner Run

Workout Brief

Feel: Muscle/Reach / Pace: Grind

Both the Runs and the Abmat Sit Ups can be completed at the same time. Split the Step Ups into larger sets so that the partner resting has more time to recover between efforts.

Tuesday, September 24th

Strength: 10 Minutes

5 Rounds – 2 Minutes Each
2 Squat Snatch Singles @ 75%

Workout: As Many Rounds as Possible – 15 Minutes

As Many Rounds as Possible in 3 Minutes
10 Calorie Bike
20 Air Squat

-Rest 3:00-

As Many Rounds as Possible in 3 Minutes
10 Calorie Bike
15 Front Squat (95/65)

-Rest 3:00-

As Many Rounds as Possible in 3 Minutes
10 Calorie Bike
10 Overhead Squat

Workout Brief

Feel: Triple Threat / Pace: Interval

In today’s Strength, the Snatches should be completed as singles with a high focus on movement quality and consistent technique for all ten reps. Use the Tall Snatches to practice pulling effectively under the bar. In the workout, burn it down and go as hard as possible each set. Three minutes of built in rest should give you plenty of time to match your effort each round.

Wednesday, September 25th

Workout: For Time – 20 Minute Cap

10 Rounds
6 Toes to Bar
4 Box Jump Over
2 Deadlift (275/185)

Cashout – FIT: For Time

3 Rounds
15 KB Swing
10 Goblet Squat
5 Strict Pull Up

Cashout – FLEX: For Quality

3 Rounds
Max Rep Strict Handstand Push Up
15-25 Empty Barbell Bicep Curl
Rest 1:30

Workout Brief

Feel: Muscle / Pace: Grind

The goal in today’s workout is to keep each movement unbroken. Take rest where necessary to accomplish this and push hard to hang on to the Rig in later rounds!

Thursday, September 26th

Workout: For Rounds and Weight – 25 Minutes

Part A: As Many Rounds as Possible in 14 Minutes
10/7 Calorie Row
1 Squat Clean (165/115)
1 Bar Facing Burpee
Increase Squat Clean and Bar Facing Burpee by 1 rep each round.

-Rest 2:00-

Part B: 16:00-25:00
Find a Heavy Clean and Jerk

Workout Brief

Feel: Triple Threat / Pace: Grind

Grind slow and steady through part number one at a pace that allows you to keep chipping away at reps the entire 14 minutes. The Cleans will likely be singles and the rower will be your throttle. Take plenty of time to recover even if it bleeds into your strength time to go big on the heavy Clean and Jerk at the end!

Friday, September 27th


Workout: For Time – 22 Minute Cap

3-6-9-12-15: Shuttle Run
3-6-9-12-15: Chest to Bar Pull Up
1-2-3-4-5: Wall Walk + Wall Facing Strict Handstand Push Up

Workout Brief

Feel: Muscle / Pace: Gas

This workout is going to challenge your high skill gymnastics under quite a bit of cardio fatigue. Pick a Chest to Bar option that allows you to get through the final round of 15 reps in 3 sets. Be cautious on the Wall Walk + Wall Facing Handstand Push Up, you need enough gas in the tank each rep to complete the Wall Walk + Push Up + get back down to the ground with control.

Saturday, September 28th

Workout: For Time – With a Partner – 28 Minute Cap

400m Farmers Carry (50/35)
60 Dumbbell Front Squat
80 Dumbbell Facing Burpee
60 Dumbbell Front Squat
400m Farmers Carry

Workout Brief

Feel: Muscle / Pace: Grind

All of the work in today’s workout is split between you and your partner. Stick to moderate sized sets that keep your team moving the entire time. On the Farmers Carry, swap every 75-125m so you don’t gas out your forearms.



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