Workouts include a Workout Brief, outlining the intended PACE, FEEL, and some notes about the workout for you to be prepared.
Grind = 60-80% effort
Sustain = 70-80% effort
Gas = 80-90% effort
Full Send! = 90%-Max Effort
Cardio = Lungs are limiting factor
Reach = Heart Rate is limiting factor
Muscle = Muscle Fatigue is limiting factor
Monday, September 30th
Workout: As Many Rounds as Possible in 16 Minutes
400m Run
6 Target Burpee
4 Bar Muscle Up
10 Double Dumbbell Suitcase Lunge (35/25)
Cashout – FIT: For Quality
3 Sets
6-10 Strict Pull Up / Weighted Pull Up / Strict Pull Up Negatives)
Rest 1:30 between sets.
Workout Brief
Feel: Muscle/Reach / Pace: Grind
This workout is the definition of Grind. Move at a steady pace that you can sustain for all 16:00. If you feel good, go heavier on the Suitcase Lunge!
Tuesday, October 1st
Workout: For Time and Weight
Part A: 10 Minute Cap
21/18 Calorie Row
18 Clean and Jerk (95/65)
21/18 Calorie Row
12 Clean and Jerk (135/95)
21/18 Calorie Row
6 Clean and Jerk (185/125)
Rest remaining time.
Part B: 8 Minutes
Find a Heavy 2 Hang Power Clean + 1 Shoulder to Overhead
Workout Brief
Feel: Triple Threat / Pace: Grind
This two part workout is intended to challenge your ability to move a progressively heavier Barbell. Maximize your rest on the weight changes and try to keep a 75-85% intensity on the Rower. Earn as much rest as possible and focus on high quality technique in the strength complex at the end.
Wednesday, October 2nd
Strength: 16 Minutes
6 Back Squat @ 70%
4 Back Squat @ 76%
4 Back Squat @ 82%
2 Back Squat @ 90%
Workout: For Time – 14 Minute Cap
30-20-10: Goblet Squat (1.5/1)
30-20-10: Russian Kettlebell Swing
15-15-15: Toes to Bar
Workout Brief
Feel: Muscle / Pace: Gas
In today’s strength, work through the percentages with 1:30-3:00 of rest between each set. In the workout, hang on to the Kettlebell for as long as possible and keep the Toes to Bar to no more than three sets each round.
Thursday, October 3rd
Workout: 16 Minutes
Option A:
Eight Rounds – 2:00 Each
7 Dumbbell Snatch (Left) (50/35)
11 Burpee Box Jump Over
7 Dumbbell Snatch (Right)
Option B:
8 Rounds – 2:00 Each
5 Dumbbell Snatch (Left) (50/35)
7 Burpee Box Jump Over
5 Dumbbell Snatch (Right)
Cashout – FIT: For Time
2000m Row
Cashout – FLEX: For Quality
3 Rounds
5-15 Dips
10-15 Dumbbell Overhead Tricep Extension
Workout Brief
Feel: Reach / Pace: Interval
The objective of the workout is to aim for :30-:40 of rest each interval. If optoin A seems like too much volume, stick with option B to allow for a higher intensity.
Friday, October 4th
Workout: For Time – With a Partner – 28 Minute Cap
80/60 Calorie Bike
60 Thruster (135/95)
40 Deficit Handstand Push Up (45)
60 Power Snatch
80/60 Calorie Bike
Workout Brief
Feel: Triple Threat / Pace: Grind
This partner chipper is a great mix of cardio, weightlifting, and gymnastics. Break everything up into moderate sets and push yourself on your weight choice and Handstand Push Up option.
Saturday, October 5th
Workout: For Time – With a Partner – Relay Style
20 Rounds
5 Deadlift (185/125)
30 Double Under (45 Singles)
5 Burpee Pull Up (Strict Pull Up)
Workout Brief
Feel: Muscle / Pace: Interval
This relay workout should keep you moving in 1:00 on/1:00 off intervals. Pick a Deadlift option that will allow you to stay unbroken. If you need a band for the pull ups, use this as an opportunity to work on good sets of 5 Strict Pull Ups.