Workouts include a Workout Brief, outlining the intended PACE, FEEL, and some notes about the workout for you to be prepared.
Grind = 60-80% effort
Sustain = 70-80% effort
Gas = 80-90% effort
Full Send! = 90%-Max Effort
Cardio = Lungs are limiting factor
Reach = Heart Rate is limiting factor
Muscle = Muscle Fatigue is limiting factor
Monday, September 9th
Strength: 15 Minutes
10 Deadlift @ 70%
5 Deadlift @ 80%
3 Deadlift @ 90%
1+ Deadlift @ 95%
Benchmark Workout: “Nasty Girls” – For Time – 14 Minute Cap
3 Rounds
50 Air Squat
7 Bar/Ring Muscle Up (14 Pull Up)
10 Hang Power Clean (135/95)
Workout Brief
Feel: Muscle / Pace: Gas
This is the final training day of our strength cycle. Try to hit a rep PR for your 95% set! In the workout, the goal is going to be keeping sets the same each round. Start at 70% effort and increase by 5-10% each round.
Tuesday, September 10th
Workout: As Many Rounds as Possible in 20 Minutes
400m Run
12 Handstand Push Up
18 Single Dumbbell Step Up (50/35)
24 Dumbbell Snatch
1 x Max Rep Strict Handstand Push Up (Pike Push Up)
2 x 5-10 Strict Handstand Push Up
Rest 1:30 between sets
Workout Brief
Feel: Muscle / Pace: Grind
Grind through this workout in moderate sized sets that will keep you moving the whole time.
Wednesday, September 11th
Hero Workout: “Laura” – As Many Rounds as Possible in 21 Minutes – With a Partner
30 Calorie Row
20 Burpee Over Rower
10 Power Clean (155/105)
Workout Brief
Feel: Triple Threat / Pace: Grind
This workout is dedicated to Special Agent Laura Schwartzenberger, 43, who was killed while executing a search warrant related to a violent crime against children on February 2, 2021. Throughout her FBI career, Schwartzenberger supported a range of law enforcement activities, such as nabbing bank robbers, but her primary focus for the last seven years was pursuing those who perpetrated crimes against children.
Thursday, September 12th
Strength: 16 Minutes
10 Back Squat @ 70%
5 Back Squat @ 80%
3 Back Squat @ 90%
1+ Back Squat @ 95%
Workout: For Time – 15 Minute Cap
2 Rounds
150 Double Unders
35 Toes to Bar
20 Burpee Box Jump Over
Rest 1:30 between rounds.
Workout Brief
Feel: Reach / Pace: Gas
Shoot for large sets of Double Unders and go for unbroken PR’s. Keep Toes to Bar to sets of 6+ for as long as possible and keep moving at a steady pace on the Burpee Box Jump Overs. The built in rest should allow you to hit the Double Unders feeling good!
Friday, September 13th
10 Sets – 1:15 Each
3 Power Snatch (65%)
Workout: For Time – With a Partner – 22 Minute Cap
50/40 Calorie Bike
60 Wall Ball
70 Shoulder to Overhead (155/105)
60 Wall Ball
50/40 Calorie Bike
Workout Brief
Feel: Reach/Muscle / Pace: Grind
Today’s Power Snatches should all be completed as singles and the weight is going to start getting challenging with the timeframe we are working on. Focus on making every rep look the same. In the workout, split all of the work in half and keep moving as a team the whole time!
Saturday, September 14th
Workout: As Many Rounds as Possible in 25 Minutes – With a Partner
200m Partner Run
30 V Up
20 Pull Up
10 Hang Squat Snatch (115/75)
Workout Brief
Feel: Triple Threat / Pace: Grind
Today’s focus is moving with quality on all of the movements. Break everything up into sets that allow the team to continue chipping away at each round. Try to up the intensity as the workout comes to a close.