Workouts for the Week: October 7 – October 12

Monday, October 7th

Strength: 12 Minutes

5 x 2 Back Squat @ 75% or RPE 7/10

Workout: For Time – 8 Minute Cap

Option A: 

3 Rounds
20 Dumbbell Snatch (50/35)
10 Dumbbell Box Step Over (24/20)

Option B: 

3 Rounds
20 Dumbbell Snatch (35/25)
10 Dumbbell Box Step Over (24/20)

Option C: 

3 Rounds
16 Dumbbell Snatch (25/15)
10 Box Step Over (24/20)

Workout Brief

GOAL: Squat Maintenance / Unilateral Endurance

Today’s Squat session is about reconnecting with this amazing lift and making sure we’ve still got it. Don’t forget about speed! We’ve spent eight weeks building our ability to generate good speed on a barbell. Today we want to apply those principles in a sub maximal load setting. 

Dumbbell Snatches & Dumbbell Step Overs are unilateral which means our core is getting a good workout but only if we take care of how we’re doing the movement. Our goal is to be smooth and consistent which will lead to less rest in the workout therefore more intensity. Just because it’s a short workout, doesn’t mean we have to rush it.

Tuesday, October 8th

Workout: As Many Rounds as Possible in 15 Minutes

Option A:

50 Double Under
10 Deadlift (225/155)
10 Dumbbell Push Up

Option B: 

50 Double Under
10 Deadlift (185/135)
10 Dumbbell Push Up

Option C: 

50 Single Under
10 Deadlift (95/65)
5 Incline Push Up

Cashout – FIT: For Quality – 10 Minutes

3 Sets
20 Weighted Russian Twist
5-10 Strict Pull Up or 10-15 Ring Row
Rest 1-2 minutes between rounds.

Workout Brief

GOAL: Pull + Push

Jumping and pulling will hit us in the back side and Push Ups will get our front side and then some. There’s not a whole lot of interference here but the core is surprisingly targeted throughout the entire 15 minutes. Both in the deadlift and the push ups we need to stabilize and set our core as we execute the reps. In addition, as the workout progresses we need to do that while still breathing.

Wednesday, October 9th

Gymnastics: For Quality – 15 Minutes

Toes to Bar Progression:

Station One: 3 x 2-5 Toes to Bar Timing Drill
Station Two: 3 x 2-5 Reps Band Assisted Toes to Bar
Into: Toes to Bar Practice

Workout: For Time – 12 Minute Cap

Option A: 

42-30-18: Calorie Row
15-21-27 Toes to Bar

Option B: 

40-30-18: Calorie Row
9-15-21 Swinging Leg Raise

Option C: 

30-20-10: Calorie Row
9-15-21: Swinging Knee Raise

Workout Brief

GOAL: Core and Aerobic Endurance

This will be hard on the grip but those who row with good technique will reduce this effect by a lot. The trick here is to understand how long we’re going to be on the Rower. We have the longest rowing bit, followed by the shortest amount of Toes to Bar and straight back onto the Rower. We should anticipate that and make sure we focus on good rowing mechanics to help us stay under our threshold and increase our endurance.

Thursday, October 10th

Strength: For Weight – 12 Minutes

3-3-3-3: Push Press
Work up to a 3 Rep Heavy, not max.
Rest 2 minutes between sets.

Workout: For Time – 14 Minute Cap

Option A: 

Buy In: 800m Run

3 Rounds
18 Burpees
18 Wall Ball (20/14)

Buy Out: 400m Run

Option B: 

Buy In: 800m Run

3 Rounds
18 Burpees
18 Wall Ball (16/12)

Buy Out: 400m Run

Option C: 

Buy In: 400m Run

3 Rounds
10 Burpees
12 Wall Ball (14/10)

Buy Out: 200m Run

Workout Brief

GOAL: Upper Body Press / Aerobic Intensity & Pressing Endurance

Today’s strength component is a simple exposure to a movement we haven’t touched base on in a while. We’re simply looking to work up to heavy and refresh on the technique.

We follow up the Push Press with some Wall balls and Burpees. Although these are truly full body movements, we get a consistent upper body pushing movement pattern that will help athletes increase their upper body pressing endurance.

Friday, October 11th


Workout: For Time – 18 Minute Cap

Option A: 

7 Rounds
10 Power Clean (135/95)
5 Bar/Ring Muscle Up

Option B: 

7 Rounds
10 Power Clean (135/95)
5 Strict Pull Up

Option C: 

5 Rounds
10 Power Cleans (75/55)
5 Ring Rows + 5 Box Dips

Workout Brief

GOAL: High Skill Couplet

Today’s workout has two very complementing movement patterns. We’ve got a lower body dominant pull and in contrast with the Muscle Up/Pull Up/Ring Row we’ve got an upper body dominant pull. This is very simplified but essentially, this is why these two have been paired. Both are full body, core to extremity movement patterns but one is using external loading and the other is using body weight loading. With the Power Cleans,  it’s important to move confidently but break them up strategically.

Saturday, October 12th

Workout: As Many Rounds as Possible in 25 Minutes – With a Partner

Option A: 

10 Synchro Single Dumbbell Squat (50/35)
10 Box Jump
100m Partner Dumbbell Farmer Carry
Increase Squats and Box Jumps by 10 Reps each round.

Option B: 

10 Synchro Single Dumbbell Squat (35/20)
10 Box Jump
100m Partner Dumbbell Farmer Carry
Increase Squats and Box Jumps by 10 Reps each round.

Option C:

10 Synchro Double Dumbbell Squat (25/15
10 Plate Jump or Step Up
100m Partner Dumbbell Farmer Carry
Increase Squats and Box Jumps by 10 Reps each round.

Workout Brief

GOAL: Team Fun

Jump, Squats, Walk. Today’s workout is full body, grindy and of course, it’ll be fun. The carry is set in this workout to help reduce the squatting volume. We should aim for a carry that lasts about 1:30-2:00.



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